
Top Rated Medical Billing Candidates In Your Area


Our sourcing experts help companies of all sizes find the top-rated medical billing job seekers for your open positions who can take over all or part of this job for a fraction of what you expect to pay. This helps you clear up some workload and ensures you quality long-term healthcare information processing. Suiting our service to your industry provides you with more quality applicants and reduced hiring times. Post job listings or explore our resume database to match with your ideal employee.

Discover great people

We have a large database of candidates with comprehensive profiles.
Discover great people
Access quality applicants

Access quality applicants

Our service is uniquely configured around the medical billing industry to support your business needs and help you reach the right fit.

Utilize expert sourcers

With experience in the medical billing industry, our talented recruiters have the resources, strategies, and tools to source the most qualified candidates for your open position.

Utilize expert sourcers
Get matched faster

Get matched faster

The average job gets filled in 7-10 days.

This is how we can help
your business

Fill open positions quickly

Identify and attract top talent

Experienced Billers

Full-time and part-time candidates

Find billers in 50 states

Custom search criteria

connecting billers with Physicians, hospitals, and billing companies nationwide since 2010

connecting billers with Physicians, hospitals, and billing companies nationwide since 2010

Looking to gain traction in hiring top-tier billers? Get in contact with us!